In Charleston


it rained here.

blue skies in Charleston

is what i’ve heard

doesn’t seem right.

it just doesn’t seem right.

light a candle to show

you’re praying

is what i’ve heard.

doesn’t seem enough.

it just doesn’t seem enough.

i do it anyway

and each time

i walk


i pray

“help, Jesus, help.”


in the middle east

is what i’ve heard.

don’t seem so far away

they just don’t seem so far away


3 thoughts on “In Charleston

  1. It is so sad, to learn that some people have such hate in their hearts. I don’t understand. .

  2. Wow friend! This is powerful. Catching up on two posts at one time is always a risk sometimes, because there can be such opposing subject matters. But it’s a balance and I am thankful for the hope in the first one. And I am humbled by the words in the second and the truth that flows through it all. I read this like a prayer and my heart aches, but I know God heard it.

  3. Thanks, friend. It always feels risky to post something like this!

    Love you, Mel!

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